1873 Colt Pair Scrimshaw & Engraved

My customer owned a 1873 Colt Single Action revolver with subtle detailing. He purchased a second revolver to have a matching pair and asked me to replicate the detailing on the second gun. I was tasked with c...

Fireman’s Cross Cleaver

Forged from high carbon steel with a hybrid maple handle. Hand engraved Fireman's Cross and a finger hole for improved grip. Full tang handle and file work down the spine. ...

Lawnmower Blade Knife

A friend gave me a lawnmower blade from a Bad Boy mower with a challenge to see what I could do with it. Challenge accepted! I had to do some research on the metal of the blade and then started to work. The...
Wolf On Shotgun Receiver Hand Engraved by Jeff Loehr

Wolf & Skull Engraving

I stopped by to see an old friend, do some catching up. We don't get to see each other very often. His cluttered work space is filled with odds and ends which one day may be useful, in some obscure project wher...

Hand Engraved Shrine Ring

Shrine Ring with Diamond and Ruby Shrine Ring Not everything turns out the way you want. This ring started off as a fantastic monogram ring. The husband came to my store looking for a special gift fo...